
6 Tips to Write a Dissertation which Get Good Grades

A dissertation can turn into a disaster pretty quick, and if that happens, your grades will suffer badly, which means you have to avoid your dissertation from becoming a disaster at all costs!

How do you do that? Well, it’s not as tough and complicated as you might have thought. You just have to follow some simple tips, when you sit down to write a dissertation. If you follow these six tips, you will be able to write a dissertation that will get you a good grade.

Tip#1: Select the right topic:

The dissertation topics you select for your dissertation hold much more importance than you may think. The topic you select must be impactful and it has to be contemporary and valuable but your professors have already told you this. What they haven’t told you is that the topic must also be one that you have interest in and is easy to research on.

Tip#2: Select a research problem that is easy to investigate:

The aim of your research is to answer your research questions that solve a research problem. To solve that problem, you have to collect data and analyze it. The results of that analysis will answer your research questions and solve the research problem.

The problem that students run into, is they go for a research problem that is too difficult to investigate. 

Pro tip

Go for a research problem that requires quantitative data and simple statistical tests.

Tip#3: Know your university’s requirements:

Every university has specific requirements when it comes to a dissertation. You would know what your university requires and if you have any confusion in this regard, consult your research supervisor so that you know clearly what you are required to do – because if your dissertation is not written in a way that your institute expects, you will lose grade. 

If you are to hire an Online Dissertation Writer then make sure to communicate the guidelines clearly to the writer as well. And if the writer hasn’t followed the guidelines, send the paper back for revision – because guidelines are important!

Pro tip

Get a document of your university’s dissertation requirement from your professor and refer to it. 

Tip#4: Understand the purpose of each chapter and approach accordingly:

Each chapter of a dissertation has a specific purpose and it should be written in a 

The chapters that confuse most students are “results”, “discussion” and “conclusion” because the differences are subtle, but you should, by all means, know these differences if you want a good grade. 

Tip#5: Format and reference properly: 

Formatting is essential, and if you mess it up, you won’t be able to get the best grade in your dissertation. A few things that you have to keep in mind while writing your dissertation are:

  • You have to select the right formatting style for your dissertation.  
  • You have to follow the guidelines for that format to the letter. 

Formatting includes the font styles, headings, how to present tables, and how to add references.


Whenever you take information from another research paper, book, or any other source, always credit the source, and add the reference correctly (follow the guidelines of the referencing style you are using).

Tip#6: Proofread, edit and remove plagiarism:

Since you are not an expert at writing dissertations, chances are, the dissertation you have written will have many mistakes that can cost you your grade. 

The solution is to show your dissertation to an expert so that he can identify and correct the mistakes to make your dissertation perfect. If you don’t know an expert, look for one online – there are many best Dissertation Help UK – based services that have a panel of expert writers and proofreaders where you can also Buy Dissertation online as well. Hire them to proofread your dissertation, correct the mistakes and get your plagiarism checked.  

If you go for a professional proofreader, make sure to ask him for the plagiarism report along with the final document. 

Final thoughts:

Though dissertations are not easy, they are not that difficult either and if you follow these tips, you can save your dissertation from becoming a disaster.

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