Beauty Tips

Actinic keratosis

Actinic keratosis (ak) causes severe skin patches. If left untreated, ak can lead to skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma. The best way to protect ak is to protect yourself from sun damage. If you notice red or rash on your skin, call your health care provider for a checkup and treatment.

What is actinic keratosis?

Actinic keratosis (ak) is a skin disease that causes rash, spots on the skin. Another name for ak is solar keratosis. Ak is a type of precancer, which means that if you do not treat the condition, it can turn into cancer. 

How common is actinic keratosis?

About 58 million americans have one or more symptoms of actinic keratosis. 

Who can get actinic keratosis?

People who do not protect their skin from sunburn often develop actinic keratosis

  • Blond or red hair.
  • Blue or green eyes.
  • Nice or bright color.
  • History of more or less sunburn.
  • Decreased immune system due to disease or immunotherapy treatment of cancer.
  • Signs and items can

What causes actinic keratosis?

The most common cause of actioninic keratosis is excessive exposure to ultraviolet (uv) lamps. Uv light comes from the sun or indoor heating equipment, such as heating beds. 

What are the symptoms of actinic keratosis?

Often, the first symptoms of actinic keratosis are severe, lifting pimples on your skin. They can vary in color but usually have a yellow or brown crust on the surface. These pimples may be:

  • Gray.
  • Pingi.
  • Red.
  • The color is similar to your skin.

Symptoms may include:

  • Bleeding.
  • Burning, stinging or scratching.
  • Lips dry, with spots.
  • Plants like horns grow out (like animal horns).
  • Loss of color in the lips.
  • Pain or tenderness.
  • Viewing and testing

What is the actinic keratosis shown?

Your top caregiver, dermatologist, (skin specialist) or other health care provider can usually diagnose actinic keratosis by carefully examining your skin and using magnification. If your health care provider is unsure if a skin appears abnormally, he or she may recommend a skin biopsy. This is a short, minimally invasive procedure that allows your skin cells to be examined under a microscope to receive a thorough examination.

Management and treatment

How is actinic keratosis treated?

Treatment options depend on how many acinic keratoses you have and what they look like. Your healthcare provider may recommend removing skin patches during office visits.

To prevent actinic keratosis, your provider may use:

  • Chemical peels: chemical peels are like masks on the face of a medical grade. Your health worker puts a peel on during office visits. The chemicals in the treatment safely destroy unwanted patches on your scalp. In the first few days, the treated area will become hard and red. As the skin heals, you will see a new, healthier skin.
  • Cryotherapy: if you have one or two aks, your provider may use cryotherapy. During this treatment, your provider uses a cold substance such as liquid nitrogen to dry the skin. In a few days, this growth will explode and flare up.
  • Excision: during this treatment, your health care provider will begin to numb the skin around your ak. Your donor then removes or cuts the aks and sews the area together. Generally, your wound will heal in two to three weeks.
  • Photodynamic therapy: if you have multiple ak or ak recurrence after treatment, your provider may recommend photodynamic therapy. This treatment uses acnie creams and essential oils to treat the destruction of precancerous skin cells. 

Can i treat actinic keratosis at home?

If you have multiple scaly patches or actinic keratoses  that are difficult to detect, your healthcare provider may recommend home treatment. Usually, home treatment involves using medicated creams on your skin. You can use these creams for four months. Although voltaren® gel is on top of the counter, it is not recommended to use this ak treatment unless it is highly recommended by your provider.

How long does it take for actinic keratosis to go away?

Depending on the size and number of actinic keratosis (ak), it can take up to 3 months for the ak to go away after treatment is finished. After ak is gone, you should see your health care provider for a health checkup once or twice a year. If you have a weakened immune system that increases your risk for ak, you may need to see a dermatologist 4-6 times a year.


How can i prevent actinic keratosis?

The best way to prevent actinic keratosis is to prevent prolonged exposure to uv. You can protect your skin with:

  • Use sunscreen every day, whether it is in the rainy season or in the winter, and apply regularly – about every two hours. Use a large sunscreen with 30 sun protection factor (spf) that covers both uva and uvb light.
  • Prevent sun exposure or excessive uv light, between 10 am and 2 p.m.
  • Avoid salons, sunlight and red beds.
  • Wear sunscreen such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants and a hat.
  • Vision/prognosis

What is the view in people with actinic keratosis?

Most actinic keratoses (aks) go with treatment. About 90% of people with actinic keratosis do not develop skin cancer. Thus, most diagnoses of squamous cell carcinoma began as aks. If you think you have an ak, it is important to see your healthcare provider there.

Does actinic keratosis return after treatment?

In some cases, actinic keratosis may return if you do not prevent further sun exposure. During and after treatment, stop your exposure to uv lamps.

Living with him

When should i see my healthcare provider?

You cannot have skin cancer if actinic keratosis is treated there. 

  • Bleeding, cracked, cracked or scratched skin.
  • Growth of the moon.
  • Rough patches, raised or red.

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