
Author Boxes: Short Introduction to Their Benefits

A thing of great importance for the content writers, as well as an interesting thing for the article readers, are the final parts of every article – author information. That’s exactly what we are going to talk about today. Having in mind the meaning and function of this part of the content writing process, I will introduce you to an author box plugin, how it is used, what it is used for, and which one is the best to use.

The benefits of author box

Nowadays, most companies and private entrepreneurs use portals for advertising things. Most of them use WordPress because it is easy to use and maintain, so they advertise on it. Along with WordPress, there must be a few good experts who will write the content. Many of them, when they write a good text, do not get credited. That is why we need to have an author box where people can find us faster and better and where they would have an insight into our previous texts to see if we are an expert in that job.

So, it is very important to have an author box where in addition to our personal information, they will also have our biography.


Every reader likes to know who wrote the article. It is very important to build credibility with readers and visitors to our portal.

Establish authenticity

Adding a biography in the author box can be key to the authenticity of our text and our blog. Adding a short biography and our personal information will help visitors make sure that our blog is not one of those impersonal sites. This is especially important if you welcome guest posts.


If we add an author box, it will help our audience gain an insight into who they are dealing with and that it is not an anonymous page that hides behind its texts. When we place our data below the text, it means that we stand clearly and loudly behind every written word.

Organize Content

Finally, it is so important that our audience can filter and search for content written by a specific author. If there are more authors on the site, readers can just click on the author box and go to the profile of the person with all their content.

How to create an author box

There are more options for adding an author box on a website.

If we use WordPress, it is very easy to do it without any complications.

On the WordPress dashboard in Users> All Users, we will get a list of users. In the option “About the user” where it says biographical info, we add the textual content we want. It is necessary to fill in the other fields where we enter our name, surname, nickname, email…

This was one of the manual ways of adding an author box in WordPress. There is also a method involving adding PHP code. In Appearance> Theme Editor> select Single Post (single.php), and immediately below the function “the_content()” add lines of code and click on the update file button.

Code to add:

<div class=”about-author”>

<div class=”about-author-image”>

<?php echo get_avatar(get_the_author_meta(‘ID’), 250); ?>


<div class=”about-author-text”>

<h3>About <?php echo get_the_author_meta( ‘display_name’); ?></h3>

<?php echo wpautop(get_the_author_meta(‘description’)); ?>

<a href=”<?php echo get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta(‘ID’)); ?>”>View all posts by <?php the_author(); ?></a>



But we have an even better alternative called “Simple Author Box Pro“.

Introducing Simple Author Box

This powerful plugin not only adds a responsive box at the bottom of each post but also allows us to enrich it visually. You get access to social icons, color schemes, author box templates, and much more.

This plugin fully agrees with any theme and is very easy to set up.

Plugin installation and use

On your website, you need to click on: Plugins> Add New> Upload Plugin> Choose File and locate the simple-author-box zipfile. Then click Install Now and activate the plugin. With this step, your plugin has been successfully installed and launched on your site.

There are many options we can choose from to change the box and customize it to our liking.


If you are engaged in journalism and writing articles or any business where you publish texts, this plugin will surely make you happy if you want to stand out in terms of author boxes,

The plugin is very efficient, and in addition to that, it offers a premium version that is very cheap where you can include all the features and be the best of the best.

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