How Long Does It Take to Implement Dynamics 365?

The time required for the deployment of Microsoft Dynamics 365 can vary greatly. It could take anywhere from a couple of months to over a year, but there are ways to make the adoption of a new ERP system faster. Utilizing Dynamics 365 implementation services is one way to speed up the deployment process.
This article will provide more information about the major factors that determine the final time requirements for your implementation project.
Factors Affecting Implementation Time
The size and complexity of your company are the major factors that determine the time needed for the deployment of Microsoft Dynamics 365. Typically, the process is faster for medium-sized companies operating within a single country than for large-scale companies with international branches.
The size of the company also affects the number of users, which in turn modifies the time requirements. Other factors that play a role in the deployment time include the version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 that you choose to use and the condition of your infrastructure. For example, if you choose to implement the system on-premises, you will need to create the necessary environment and acquire the proper hardware. The competencies and experience of your staff are also crucial in the implementation process.
Time-Consuming Implementation Steps
The implementation process consists of several essential steps. Some of them can be particularly time-consuming. The following phases will take up the majority of the deployment time.
To plan the deployment process, you’ll need to thoroughly analyze the current state of your company, define your goals and requirements for the implementation, and assign a team. Professional providers of Dynamics 365 implementation services, such as XPLUS, have the necessary experience to create personalized deployment plans that cater to the specific needs of individual companies, regardless of their industry.
Data Preparation
Preparing your data for the new system can be a tedious process, especially if your data is currently disorganized. In order for your new system to work properly, your data should not be redundant, duplicated, or outdated. Keep in mind that transferring data from your current systems may also take some time.
Security Configuration
To make your new ERP system work properly and optimize its licensing costs, you’ll need to complete a careful security configuration. This can be a particularly challenging process for large companies with complex hierarchies of employees.
Utilizing Dynamics 365 implementation services can provide professional help in this process. Alternatively, you can use a dedicated tool offered by some implementation service providers. For example, XPLUS offers the Executive Automats Security Setup which enhances and speeds up security configuration and allows for more accurate role assignments in a shorter period.
Once your ERP system is implemented, it is not quite ready for launch yet. It is highly recommended to test your software before rolling it out. This step can be especially challenging for companies without experience in application testing, which is why it can be quite time-consuming.
It’s highly advisable to prepare an effective testing routine before the roll-out as Microsoft Dynamics 365 requires regular testing due to its frequent updates and use an automated testing tool that allows not only regression testing (like RSAT) but also performance testing and much more (like Executive Automats).
Dynamics 365 Implementation Services and Other Ways to Speed up Deployment
Working with an experienced provider of Dynamics 365 implementation (and support) services requires an investment, but it significantly shortens the process and saves your company from costly mistakes.
To make the deployment even faster, consider using a dedicated tool for security customization such as Security Setup. Additionally, adopting a tool for automated testing like Executive Atuomats will make the process even smoother. With it, you will be able to test your software quickly and with the necessary precision before launch. After a successful implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365, you will be able to rely on the same tool for testing the software after its future updates.