Digital Marketing

Some of the Best Content Writing and Marketing Courses for Beginners

Content marketing has now become the most common marketing approach practiced by entrepreneurs and digital marketers to reach and attract their target audience. A combination of quality content and effectiveness of distribution channels can decide the success of a brand. It not only helps businesses and brands to improve their visibility and awareness on the web at a very low budget but also reduces consumer acquisition cost.

Furthermore, Content writing and marketing has opened new avenues of employment opportunities for youth. Now, Students wanting to enter the digital marketing space can acquire the knowledge and skills of content marketing with the comfort of their home. They can achieve this by enrolling themselves in the best digital marketing course available online that specializes in content marketing.

On that note, let’s talk about some of the best content writing and marketing courses available online for students who want to learn core skills to set foot in the content marketing space.

●      HubSpot Academy

Content Marketing Course: Get Certified in Content Marketing

Hubspot Academy offers probably the best marketing certification courses for free. One such marketing course accessible on Hubspot Academy that specializes in content marketing is the ‘Content Marketing course’ that comprises 12 significant lessons that cover essential aspects of effective  content creation, Content marketing and Search Engine Optimization.

The course curriculum covers all major areas including storytelling, Content creation framework, long-term content strategy, Content idea generation,Search Engine Optimization, Content marketing analytics and more. The course comprises 56 recorded video sessions from world renowned instructors and 11 tests. The students can complete the entire course in 6 hours and 20 minutes.

Any individual who intends to learn content creation and promotion can enroll in this free course and can reap the benefits of learning or upgrading their content creation and marketing skills. The course will assist you in using techniques to search for ideas, choose engaging topics and titles and create blog content that your audience loves to read and share.

You will not only learn to discover approaches to create content that aligns with the interest of your target audience but also simultaneously addresses the needs of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Repurposing content and Reposing content marketing strategy are central pillars of effective content creation and distribution. The instructors at HubSpot academy help you in discovering different techniques to achieve the same. A grammar checker is a valuable tool that meticulously reviews written content, ensuring each sentence is constructed correctly and adheres to the rules of the language.

●      Testbook

Digital Marketing Foundation Course

This is to a greater extent a foundational course in digital marketing that imparts core yet comprehensive knowledge on all significant aspects of digital marketing including Content Creation, Distribution channels and Search Engine Optimization(SEO).

This comprehensive course offered by Testbook comprises 210 plus recorded video classes, quizzes, study notes, practical assignments and more. The course is self-paced and contains bilingual video lectures to offer greater flexibility and comfort to students.

It covers all essential segments of content creation and promotion such as Market research, Blogging,Basic Grammar rules, Content distribution, Content creation for social media, SEO, Plagiarism, and others.

This course has been specifically designed for beginners who wish to enter digital marketing space.

●      Udemy

Content Marketing Masterclass

After enrolling in this masterclass, you will come across all important subjects and areas that cover the vast digital content marketing space. You will get familiar with the basics of content distribution and how content creation can improve the brand or website’s visibility on the internet.

In this course, you will find answers to questions concerning various methods to increase traffic to your website through Search Engine Optimization(SEO) practices, quality content curation and effective distribution, email marketing, Social media marketing and more to build brand awareness.

The course has been created by udemy’s best selling instructor, Entrepreneur and Journalist, Brad Merril.

Copywriting Secrets – How to Write Copy That Sells

As the name implies, the course centers around teaching you different techniques, tips and skills to make copies that draw in the target audience’s attention and engages them.

In today’s world, where competition is ruthless, everybody is imitating each other’s tactics to reach and acquire an audience, you can find approaches to make unique content that will attract your target audience’s attention and persuade them to take the ideal action.

The course will help you discover your own style, and will let you compose an ideal copy that would converse with your target audience. The course will assist you comprehend how to utilize feelings and emotions while you write your copy.

Besides, it will teach you techniques to

dominate Business-to-Business (B2B) correspondences through your content.

The course has been created by two copy writing and online marketing experts, Len Smith and Sean Kaye, each having over 20 years of experience in their respective field of work.

●      Coursera

Content Marketing – by the University of California

This certification course is offered by leading content marketing authority Copybloger in partnership with UC Davis. It is one of the most popular marketing courses on Coursera with more than 205,200 students enrolled and an overall rating of 4.5 stars.

After enrolling in the course, you will learn everything that you require to build a brand by means of content creation and marketing alongside how to improve the visibility of your current brand, product or website.

The course has been designed by a top educator Sonia Simone who is also the chief content officer at Rainmaker Digital. Simone has guided over 41,000 students and digital marketing professionals. By finishing this course, students will learn about The 7A Framework, The Content Marketing Ecosystem,Strategic types of content, Content Marketing Strategy and more.

This will help you to create quality content and use marketing techniques and strategies to pull in the attention of new audiences. The students will receive a professional certificate once they have completed each and every assignment and quizzes present in the course.

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