
Telecommunication software

Telecommunication software is a software package that helps the electronic communication process in text, audio, video, etc. The software used in telecommunication varies from installed by the user to the one used by telcos to ensure the functionality of the entire network. The telecommunication software is targeted at providing specific solutions.

Operations Support System (OSS)

This is a set of programs that help telcos control, monitor, analyze, and manage the communication network. It is specifically for telecommunication service providers to configure their network components, provide services, maintain network inventory, and manage faults.

In the 1970s, OSS  activities were done via manual operation before telcos created software and hardware systems to automate the OSS activities. The main function of the OOS are.

1.   Network Management Systems

This application allows network engineers to monitor, manage, and control a network’s independent components and perform major functions. It includes network resources trackin, performance monitoring, and software updates.

2.   Service Delivery

These are components that provide the supplies for the service delivery architecture from a telecommunication company to the customer. It is the connection between the company and service provision to customers.

3.   Service fulfillment

This is the function responsible for putting together the customers’ needs and creating services to help fulfill those needs. It is the process of service innovation. It desccribes what needs to be done and creates a process to do it before fulfilling it.

4.   Customer Assurance

This is a set of policies and processes responsible for monitoring the service provided by a communication service provider to the customer to ensure it meets quality demand and optimizes the customer experience.

5.   Customer Care

This is the system created by the telco company to attend to the needs, requests, and inquiries of customers. There are different systems put in place by each company to optimize customer satisfaction because it is believed that customer satisfaction increases revenues.

Business Support System

This is a system for businesses to aid their business activities and service provision to the customer. It works together with Operations Support System to enhance telecommunication services. While OSS deals with network inventory, service provision, and faulty management, BSS deals with Product, order, customer, and revenue management.

Product Management

This starts from the product development stage to product sales and marketing. This is the system that deals with offering discounts, pricing th product, and relating one product to another.

Order management

This involves order decomposition, orchestration, fallout, and status management. This breaks down the product or service order, then processes and manages customer orders. It is also responsible for handling order failure if it happens. And it is affiliated with OSS for service fulfillment.

Customer Management

This is simply what the name implies. It is responsible for handling customers and ensuring their satisfaction through different methods, including 24/7 customer self-service on the web. It helps deal with customers in a professional way.

Revenue management

This is focused on the bills, settlements, and charges. It includes revenue generation, a mediation system, and presentation. It also deals with fraud and revenue assurance.


Telecommunication software solutions keep evolving to optimize customer satisfaction and experience, thereby increasing income generation. There are different telecommunication network functions to utilize, which can be done with the help of a telecom software developer.

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