
What are the challenges faced during regression testing?

Companies that have been using complex enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems like Microsoft Dynamics 365 FSCM are well aware of the significance of regression testing. Regression testing is your only chance to make sure your software performs properly before you roll it out after implementation and any subsequent upgrades and system updates.

Yet, regression testing has its weak points, too. This article will describe them in detail and show you how they can be addressed.

Tedious and Monotonous Work

Unfortunately, without an automated regression testing tool, professional testers might find the work on tests excruciating. No one likes doing the same tasks over and over again and regression testing is all about repetition.

Even the most diligent testers eventually lose their concentration and end up making mistakes. Some of these mistakes turn out to be rather costly. At the same time, regression testing might also appear redundant, as it covers features that have already been tested before. This can have a demoralizing effect on testing specialists, who might be prone to neglecting their tasks.

Insufficient Accuracy

Partially, the problem of the quality of manual regression testing comes from its tiresome repetitiveness. As noted above, the results can be affected by human errors. Yet, this is not the only factor decreasing the value of regression testing handled manually.

Companies relying on large applications usually do not have sufficient manual resources to carry out as many regression tests as needed. They have to limit their testing coverage, which is particularly true for performance testing. This type of testing is especially demanding as it aims to represent an increased system load. It comes with the simulation of numerous concurrent users, which can be rather challenging to achieve.

Furthermore, the quality of tests can be diminished because of the time limit related to working hours. For example, many organizations utilizing D365 system would benefit from regression testing at night or on weekends when their business activities are paused. This is the time when manual testers are not available.

Finally, manual testing requires a lot of time, which causes expensive delays. Developers might have to wait for days for manual tests to be completed before they finally learn about any issues that require addressing.

High Expenses

Regression testing is associated with high costs.

Payments for manual work are growing with the complexity and frequency of regression testing. For small applications or ones featuring rare updates, manual regression testing might be an adequate solution. Yet, such extensive software suites like ERP systems can generate giant costs if their testing is handled manually. This is especially true for Microsoft Dynamics 365 FSCM which is being constantly improved by the developers. There are at least a couple of major updates a year, while minor modifications are released even on a monthly basis.

Manual testing creates a vicious cycle. On the one hand, without thorough testing, the risks of costly disruptions after system upgrades can increase significantly. On the other hand, going through as much testing as the software really requires is itself expensive.

Choosing a Wrong Automated Regression Testing Tool

Automation of regression testing can bring a huge relief to companies and testers. In fact, it can solve all the issues mentioned above. Yet, it can be possible only if you switch to a proper automated regression testing tool. A poor choice of automation toolkit is itself one of the common challenges of regression testing.

The major problem is choosing a tool not fit for your software. There are many options available on the market, however, you should first ensure they will meet your business and system needs.

For instance, Selenium can be a powerful automation tool for testing many applications. Still, utilizing it for Microsoft Dynamics 365 can generate excessive costs even though it is open-source. These costs come with setting up and maintaining expensive testing infrastructure manually. Although it will help you to save money on testing, your ROI can be way lower than you might expect.

On the contrary, the testing tool designed by Executive Automats specifically for Microsoft Dynamics 365 allows you to start testing right away. Its no-code interface makes it easy to use even by staff without a technical background, which reduces the need for testing experts.

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