
7 Techniques for Compressing PDF Files

How can a PDF be made smaller without losing quality?

Quite likely, you’ve compressed a few pictures and videos here and there to save space. You can compress a PDF in the same way, something you might not be aware of.

This is useful if you want to sell them online, give one away as a lead magnet, or transfer files to coworkers.

The most effective methods for PDF compression will be covered in this post. There are both straightforward and intricate steps.

Ready? Let’s start the party now:

7 easy and sophisticated techniques for compressing PDF files

Here are seven different methods for PDF compression; we’ll go over each one individually below.

  1. Choose “Save As” in place of “Save.”

Here’s why the ‘Save As’ button is our top pick for compressing a PDF.

There are numerous “Save” and “Save As” options in many programs.

They both have the ability to add new files to your device. Although “Save As” always creates a new file, “Save” merely adds any modifications to the original.

As a result, everything about the original PDF file you created, including its size, is retained. Your editor appends the alterations or new information to the end of the file when you save your document after making changes or adding information. The original text is not changed.

As a result, every time you click “Save,” the file size grows.

The editor can create a brand-new, uncluttered, and optimized file by using “Save As.”

  1. To export PDFs, use a specialized PDF editor

The ability to quickly reduce PDF size is present in all popular PDF editors.

  •         Open a PDF document.
  •         Choose File from the top menu.
  •         There are two options: reduce file size or compress PDF.
  •         Choose a location to save the compressed PDF file.
  1. Use a PDF compression program

Running an existing PDF file via a compression program is another simple way to minimize the file size.

Most programs allow you to upload a large PDF file, choose “Compress PDF” or a similar option from the tool, and then get the optimized version.

  1. Check the PDF document’s size

Optimizing PDF files is a handy feature of Acrobat Pro.

Your manuscript is divided into sections so you can see how much space is occupied by each portion.

You can use this information to decide which parts of your file need to be optimized.

Three locations in Acrobat have this tool.

  •         Other Optimized PDF Save Advanced Optimization Space Usage Audit.
  •         Tools Audit Space Usage Advanced Optimization PDF optimization.
  •         Choose Audit Space Usage in the Content pane’s navigation menu to view, show, or hide the content of the navigation panes.
  1. To reduce PDF size, use the advanced optimization settings in your editor

A number of PDF editors offer advanced optimization options in addition to their regular compression features.

Among these are popular editors like Adobe, Foxit, and Nitro.Your PDF file can now be optimized in a number of different ways.

Among these are setting up image settings, removing embedded typefaces, and eliminating unwanted components.

  1. Get rid of anything unnecessary

Every one of the significant PDF editors we listed has additional optimization settings that let you remove particular elements.

For instance, disable alternate images in Adobe if you just plan to publish PDFs online.

Each image in some PDF documents is included twice: once in a low-resolution version for the web and once in a high-resolution version for printing.

Alt pictures are removed, and any high-resolution versions are also removed.

Form submission actions, JavaScript actions, and embedded page thumbnails are additional things you can block.

Each editor takes a different approach to PDF optimization.

  1. Picture enlargement

Make it a practice to compress your photos before using them in your writing. This minimizes file sizes without compromising the quality of the images.

Make sure to optimize photographs before exporting them from your photo editing software and use an image compression tool like TinyPNG to compress multiple images at once.

Also, you should save copies of your photographs in their raw (uncompressed) form in case the compression process reduces the quality of the images or you find issues after uploading them.

Likewise, remember this simple guideline: JPG for everything else and PNG for screenshots and images with text overlays.

The explanation is straightforward: JPEGs of text-containing images lose quality.

Moreover, you can optimize photos using the advanced optimization settings in your PDF editor.

Options for different color tones, compression method, compression intensity, and pixels per inch are provided by Adobe (PPI).

When you enable this for a pdf compressor online, only one page will load at a time when your reader views it online.

In other words, by loading only the content that can be seen in the reader’s browser rather than the entire text, the option increases efficiency.

Final thoughts

Bloggers, company owners, and many other organizations take pleasure in sharing or producing downloadable PDF documents.

It is simpler to share a tidy, optimized, and pdf compressor online, by email, and with others who have sluggish internet connections.

Although it is not always simple, PDF file size reduction is quick.

There are several ways to scale down PDF files without losing quality.

The simplest options for compressing PDF files are to use your PDF editor’s built-in compression features when saving, or to use an online tool.

Instead of using “Save,” you can generate a new, optimized file by choosing “Save As.”

According to several experts, web-based PDFs should be no more than 1,024 KB (1 MB).

Instead, rely on the maximum upload size of the website where you wish to submit your PDF as an alternative.

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