Cucumber: Health Benefits and Use-Good To Know
Cucumbers consist of 95% water, so there are not too many vitamins and minerals in them. The largest amount is found in the peel. Why is cucumber considered healthy? Cucumbers contain potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, in small quantities there are also essential vitamins in cucumbers: carotene, B2, B1, PP, pantothenic acid, B6, C and others. Therefore, in terms of useful and medicinal properties, cucumbers are not less healthy than carrots, tomatoes, onions and even citrus fruits.
- All biologically active substances are dissolved in this vegetable in a physiologically ideal form, there is practically no dry matter in cucumbers.
The Best Probiotics for Constipation stimulate the appetite, stimulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which helps digestion. The fiber in their composition removes cholesterol and toxins, and also nourishes the intestinal microflora. It helps fight constipation. Enzymes in cucumbers help to better assimilate proteins and B vitamins.
- Potassium, which is abundant in cucumbers, has a positive effect on the work of the heart and kidneys. The diuretic effect allows you to remove excess fluid, relieve swelling.
- Cucumbers are useful for diabetics – they contain an enzyme similar in its action to insulin: it lowers blood sugar levels.
- Even bitter cucumbers, and those are useful. Such a sharp taste is caused by the substance cucurbitacin. It is produced in large quantities that grow in unfavorable conditions – with poor watering, etc. Cucurbitacin is not dangerous, it stimulates the intestines. Scientists also discovered that this substance has an anti-tumor effect.
- Due to its high water content and low-calorie content, cucumber nutrition is an ideal food for those looking to lose weight. Use it in soups and salads. If these aren’t your favorite foods, try dipping crunchy cucumber slices in low-fat yogurt. The chewing process will knead your jaws well, and the cucumber fibers will improve digestion. Eating this vegetable daily will help with chronic constipation.
- Cucumber juice heals sore gums. Place a slice of cucumber on your tongue and hold for 30 seconds. During this time, phytochemicals will kill bacteria that cause bad breath.
Side effect:
Cucumbers are a healthy product that rarely develops allergies or intolerances. In rare cases, cucumbers can cause gas production. It is important to remember that these are seasonal vegetables. In winter, they are treated with various chemicals so that they grow faster and stay fresh longer:
Cucumbers in health, culinary and cosmetic:
Cucumbers are eaten mostly fresh, added to various salads and sauces, pickled and salted. But in some countries, cucumbers are even fried and made into soups.
Cucumbers have good cosmetic properties, which makes them widely used as a skincare cosmetic. Cucumber juice refreshes the skin, helps to remove acne, and sunburn. It relaxes the skin so it is good from time to time to wipe your skin with cucumber slices.
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Various masks containing cucumbers are very common.
Fresh fruits are useful for diseases of the stomach (as a laxative), liver, and kidneys. The use of cucumbers in food helps to remove water from the human body, improves the functioning of the liver, heart and kidneys. Fresh cucumber juice is used for coughs, catarrh of the respiratory tract and pain in the stomach and intestines.
Cucumbers are the best diuretic. They also have other valuable properties: they improve hair growth, strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels. Cucumbers contain a lot of potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus.
Since ancient times, cucumbers have been used as an excellent cosmetic product. What woman or a girl hasn’t walked around with a cucumber mask on her face or slices under her eyes? Fashionistas should know that, because it is not a secret that cucumber is also included in the basis of many cosmetic masks. And these masks are considered to be among the most effective.
As you see, cucumber is being used in several areas. And while people were eating it, they didn’t know that it had so many benefits. And all these discoveries are due to the human brain, because it is people who try products in a sphere that does not belong, and just after that they realize what is for what. Now these trends and discoveries are getting known by social media. Who knows? Maybe there are more benefits in cucumbers that people don’t know and we didn’t mention. If you know any trends or have your special way of using them, you can easily show a trend. Good Instagram story ideas and life hacks- that’s what people love.
Whether cucumbers are useful for you, you should first all proceed from the state of your health and contraindications to the use of these vegetables.
Do not forget that such a valuable product will only be really useful if you buy or grow it environmentally friendly. It is very convenient to shop in supermarkets, but do not be lazy to look for fresh cucumbers grown under the real sun.
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