
Does Wine Freeze? Can You Put Wine in the Freezer?

Wine is a beloved beverage enjoyed by many around the world. Whether it’s a fine bottle of red, a refreshing white, or a sparkling glass of champagne, wine is known for its diverse flavors and aromas. However, if you’ve ever found yourself with an open bottle of wine that you couldn’t finish, you might have wondered if it’s safe to put it in the freezer. In this article, we will explore whether wine can freeze and the potential consequences of freezing it. To read more about the topic, click here: does wine freeze.

Understanding Freezing Temperatures: Before delving into whether wine can freeze, it’s important to understand the freezing temperatures of various liquids. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit), which is a widely known fact. However, wine is not simply water. It contains a significant amount of alcohol, which has a lower freezing point than water.

Freezing Points of Wine: The freezing point of wine depends on its alcohol content. Wines typically range from 12% to 15% alcohol by volume, although fortified wines may have higher alcohol levels. The presence of alcohol lowers the freezing point of the liquid, which means that wine will not freeze at the same temperature as water.

While the exact freezing point of wine depends on its specific alcohol content, it generally falls between -5 to -6 degrees Celsius (23 to 21 degrees Fahrenheit). Therefore, if you place a bottle of wine in a standard household freezer, which is typically set at or below 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit), you will not see the wine solidify.

The Consequences of Freezing Wine: Although wine won’t freeze solid in a standard freezer, it can still be affected by the low temperatures. One of the main consequences of freezing wine is the potential for expansion. As liquids freeze, they expand, and this can cause the bottle to crack or even burst. This is particularly true for sparkling wines, which contain carbon dioxide that can create additional pressure within the bottle.

Even if the bottle doesn’t crack, freezing can alter the taste and texture of wine. The low temperatures can cause the wine to lose some of its aromas, flavors, and overall complexity. When the wine thaws, it may have a different mouthfeel and taste less appealing compared to its original state.

Safely Chilling Wine: If you’re looking to chill wine quickly, there are safer alternatives than using a freezer. For example, you can place the bottle in an ice bucket filled with ice and water, which will cool it down without the risk of freezing. Alternatively, you can store the wine in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving it.

Preserving Wine: If you find yourself with an open bottle of wine that you can’t finish, it’s best to avoid freezing it. Instead, consider using a wine preserver or vacuum sealer to remove excess air from the bottle and slow down the oxidation process. This will help preserve the wine’s flavors and aromas for a longer period.


 While wine won’t freeze solid in a standard freezer due to its alcohol content, freezing wine can still have negative consequences. The potential expansion and alteration of flavors make it an unadvisable method for chilling or storing wine. To fully enjoy the rich taste and character of wine, it’s best to explore safer alternatives for cooling and preserving it. You can buy wine online in the US at

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