
Got A Mole And Want It Removed? – Know This Before

Moles are commonly uneven skin growth that appears as a small dark spot or projection from the skin. Generally, these are harmless, and some people have them from birth while others grow later in life. Some people can have dozens of moles that could either come out of the skin or lie flat. However, some moles can later grow cancerous, which should not be removed without a doctor’s advice.

One should always take an expert’s advice before getting rid of any mole. There are several ways to remove a mole, and it differs with the shape and size of moles. But before removal, there are proper monitoring procedures used to detect the depth and type of mole. Once you are sure that the mole is safe to remove, you should find any aesthetic clinic for mole removal Singapore instead of doing it on your own.

3 Reasons For Which People Get Their Moles Removed

  • Some people are born with large moles or have unusual moles on their bodies. Either the mole can get cancerous with time as most large moles seldom become, or it looks odd to have it. So to get rid of that facial mole or an odd-looking mole or prevent chances of cancer, one can undergo mole removal treatment.
  • According to some studies, a large number of moles indicate melanoma, and if the number of moles on your body exceeds 50, some of them are most likely to become harmful in the future. Moreover, some people have dozens of moles accumulated at a single body part, sometimes appearing unaesthetic.
  • Melanoma can happen again or be transferred among family members, and melanoma moles are most likely to become cancerous, making it crucial to get moles removed.

Examine Your Moles This Way For Precaution 

It is not always necessary that the moles become harmful, and actually, the chances are meager, but still, one should be precautious if they detect any changes in the pattern. If you have one or two moles at visible body parts, you can keep track of their growth. For this, you can measure their length and height and check it every quarter of a year.

If you have multiple moles, you should keep track of their numbers and see if any new moles appear over time. If it is happening, you should immediately consult your doctor and see if it is possible to get some or most of them removed. There are many mole removal Singapore clinics with modern ways to remove moles painlessly with minor surgeries.

2 Surgical Ways To Remove Moles From The Body 

  • The first way to remove moles is excision or cutting the mole. This process can be done with or without stitches which depends upon the depth of the mole and how the surgery is performed.
  • The second method is removing the mole with a scalpel blade without stitches, a method of mole removal that is similar to shaving.

An optical scar is likely to appear on that area when the stitch excision process is used to remove the mole. Before removing, the area around the mole is cleaned and numbed, and then with the help of a scalpel, the mole borders are cut. And then, after the removal of the mole, internal or external stitches are placed on the area.

Whereas if you choose the non-stitches method, the mole is generally shaved off using a scalpel blade, and then the area is cauterized using an electrical device to stop bleeding. The wound will soon get cured, and you can see that the projection is no more there.

How To Treat The Wound Caused After Mole Removal?

Although your doctor would give you a bandage and antibiotics so that the wound gets cured quickly, you can also use some precautions on your own. Most people believe that a wound heals quickly if it is kept open to the air, but actually, you should keep it covered with antibiotic salve or bandages for safer and quicker healing.

Moreover, you should prevent vitamin E as much as possible during the healing process as not only does it slow down healing, but it could also become a reason for the scar. Make sure you keep applying the cosmetic cream suggested by your esthetician after healing so that it does not leave a scar. Many mole removal Singapore clinics have close contacts with estheticians and dermatologists, so you can always take their advice if required.

Follow-Ups With Doctors After Successful Mole Removal

In some cases, it is essential to have follow-ups with the doctors, like if you have non-dissolvable stitches. These stitches need to be removed later, for which you need the doctor. Or, if you have your stitches torn off accidentally, you should immediately reach out to the doctor.

Some people have given their extracted moles for lab results to verify that it was non-cancerous. And in that condition, one might have to consult with the doctor once the lab results are ready and in hand. Moreover, if you ever feel itchy or it seems like some infection is growing around the treated area, a doctor’s advice is mandatory.

Limit Mole Development On Your Body By Following Ways

  • One should stay away from direct sunlight and mainly when it’s peak sun time to avoid UV rays. And if you already have some moles, make sure to apply sunscreen before you step out of your house. A broad spectrum with at least SPF 30 is recommended to prevent melanoma.
  • You should also avoid tanning lamps or any procedure for getting tanned skin.
  • Keep your skin covered up with long-sleeved clothes, sunglasses, and hats to protect the facial or body moles from sunlight and UV rays.

You should visit the mole removal Singapore website for further details and appointments and get a quote for yourself. Experts there would be able to provide you personalized treatment for your mole and would also provide after-treatment precaution and help required for safety.

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