
How To Make Money Selling Ringtones On iTunes?

Smartphone ringtones aren’t something that most people consider until you hear one on your phone and realize you need to set another one immediately. The iPhone comes with many different kinds of ringtones, but because we tend to listen to them all the time, the sound becomes grating and tiresome. It’s important to realize that there are many more ringtone options than Apple’s limited selection.

Make your own original ringtones and sell ringtones on iTunes. There are no boundaries to the tunes you may use to create a fantastic ringtone, and you can sell them online and earn a few dollars. Just keep in mind that ringtones can only be 30 seconds long. You may also use audio from the Voice Memos app to create bespoke ringtones in addition to music.

Sell ringtones online if you’re looking for a great way to make money. It implies that you can make extra money without doing much work. Once you’ve transferred the music, all you need to do now is wait for payments from your followers who transfer them. While music downloads are good, ringtones are even more popular. Most people use them, and a few have many ringtones, not to mention the vast number of people who use mobile phones nowadays. 

If you really want to make money online by selling ringtones on iTunes, stay connected with us, because we have various options to guide you better. 

Upload Directly on iTunes

It is as simple as creating content and making it available to Apple users. However, you will require money, content, and technical requirements to get started.

Having an Apple ID, a U.S. Tax ID, an International Standard Recording Code (ISRC), and a Universal Product Code are all financial requirements (UPC). You’ll leave the rest to Apple once you’ve met all of the requirements and submitted your application. Now it’s their job to review your application and approve it. With permission, you can sell songs on iTunes and make money.

Uploading Ringtone Indirectly 

Use a third-party service rather than uploading them yourself. If you don’t have an Apple ID and want to upload music to iTunes without having to create one, this is what you should do. Aside from the ID, you may not have to meet the rest of the financial, content, or technical requirements. Selling ringtones on iTunes remains a fantasy for brand new musicians in such conditions.

This is where this feature comes into play. All you need as a music creator is a music distributor who can transfer your music on your behalf. In addition to posting, you may not require 20 albums to begin earning money. Sometimes it may be free, which is understandable given that the intermediary needs to be compensated for their efforts in making the availability of your ringtones on iTunes a reality.

You can sell your ringtones for under ten dollars per ringtone if you use a competent distributor like MusicDigi. MusicDigi enables the selling of ringtones to many devices around the world straightforwardly. Make an account with MusicDigi. In a matter of minutes, you can change your ringtone and canopy design. Within 24 hours, MusicDigi will upload your tones to the iTunes ringtones shop. You are paid whenever your ringtone is sold. 

Technology has made it easy for people to make money online. People who are thinking of making money through Apple phones, can make ringtones and sell them on iTunes. 

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