
Necessary Things You Need To Know About Ozora Festival

Ozora Festival is a traditional annual “Psychadelic trans” program held in a small village named Ozora located 140 km southwest of Budapest, Hungary. This conventional program has been running since 2004. And in this small Hungarian village of Ozora, the ceremony is performed every year in grand style. It was not possible to arrange the event for the coronavirus epidemic in 2020. Still, the Festival Authority has taken the initiative to perform this traditional program in 2021, and in its continuation, they have fixed a time from August 2 to 8 this year. We are expected to overcome all obstacles and perform in 2021. As the event is held in the village of Ozora, the name of the event has become Ozora Festival Ozora. The event is so traditional that people from all over Hungary flock to this small village to witness the tradition. Hungary people come to the event, but people from all over the world are aware of the event, and they participate in the event from the physical presence. The ceremony traditionally starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, which lasts for seven days. The program helps to bring the Hungarian heritage to the people. Ozora is one of the biggest and longest Ozora Festival Hungary

History of Ozora Festival:

The program has been around since 1999, but the Festival’s name was not Ozora; the first name was “Solipse.” But since the festival organizers first used the name Ozora in 2004 and achieved great success, the program organizer held the Festival every year. Sadly, the Ozora festival’s first organizer died a few years ago, but his children and relatives host this traditional Festival every year. The Festival attracts worldwide people every year and attracts 30,000 people from all over Hungary. To participate in the Festival, you have to book a ticket in advance, and the number of official seats is 30,000. However, many more people flocked to the event. Even though Ozora is a small village, the village has a touch of technology. It has specific maps, water facilities, and certain transport facilities to carry passengers anywhere in Hungary.

Ozora Festival Ticket, Price, And Staying Period:

Ozora is a traditional festival in Hungary with massive demand for tickets, and it is wise to book it long in advance. You won’t purchase tickets directly from the Authority countries. They provide tickets to various stores in Europe, and from there you will be able to buy them physically. Tickets for the Festival usually cost 170 euros, but in some cases, additional transportation costs may be added, depending on the distance, but indeed that cost is reasonable. You typically have to stay at the Hungarian Festival for seven days, and besides, you can attend the party 24 hours before the start of the event and stay there the next time. Festival Hungary is a fun program that will force you to participate physically there, and maybe at the end of the program, you would stay for a few days for a refreshment. 

How to get to Oroza Village:

 You can fly to Hungry directly from Europe then with public transport you can go to Budapest. As it is 140 km southwest of Budapest, you can use cars or any public transport or direct shuttle service. And the visitors generally use the train to reach the small village of Hungary, “Ozora.” Traveling by car is fine, and you can use GPS to contact the Festival place quickly. once arriving at the station, you will get ‘The party’ bus to reach the Festival place for 5 euro.

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