The Dream Interpretation Guide: How to Interpret Your Dreams in 6 Easy Steps
In folklore, dreams are portals to another world where fairy godmothers and menacing ogres reside. But, whether you believe in them or not, your dreams represent something beyond the obvious – they’re messages from your subconscious that can help guide you through life.
If you want to interpret your dreams independently, these six simple steps will help you. You might not be a trained dream analyst, but with some practice, you can become a pro at decoding dream meanings in no time!
Step 1: Recall your dream immediately upon waking.
This is the most crucial step for practical dream interpretation. If you wait too long, you risk losing the dream entirely – but if you remember to write it down right after waking, you’ll have a much better chance of accurately decoding it.
Although you might not remember every detail, any information you can recall will help you decipher the dream’s meaning. If you’re having difficulty recalling your dream, try to focus on the feelings you had while dreaming.
For instance, if you had a dream about flying in a plane, keep thinking of this dream as much as possible. Over time, you will recall more details, such as who was on the plane with you, whether you or someone else was the pilot, or where the aircraft was flying.
Step 2: Write down everything you remember.
Once you’ve recalled your dream, write it down as accurately as possible. Then, if you’re still groggy, you can wait to write down the details of your dream later.
For instance, if you had a dream about tigers chasing you, write down all the details; the tiger’s color, behavior, the place where they were chasing you, or your feelings. If you’ve written down the details of your dream, you’ve already taken the first steps to decode it!
Step 3: Determine the feeling you had while dreaming.
Begin your interpretive process by determining the feeling you had while dreaming. This feeling likely represents something going on in your life. So, if you were dreaming of a stressful event, for example, falling, being chased, or drowning in the ocean, that stress could be connected to something in your real life.
This doesn’t mean that everything you dream about is your fault; it simply allows you to see your dreams as a form of self-expression and gain insight into your subconscious.
Step 4: Identify the most prominent symbol(s) and objects.
The next step in dream interpretation is identifying the most prominent symbol(s) and objects in your dream. What symbol, or combination of symbols and objects, stands out the most and feels the most significant?
Was it a butterfly, some numbers, or someone you know? While some symbols are universal and applicable to everyone, others are more personal, so it’s essential to pay attention to how these symbols make you feel, as well as what they represent.
The most common dream symbols include teeth falling out, fire, house, snakes, or spiders. Some people even see more personal things in their dreams. For example, a dream about losing your phone is very common in people of all ages.
Step 5: Do your own research.
Now that you’ve identified the most prominent symbols in your dream, it’s time to research possible meanings based on these elements. Exploring the many meanings behind various symbols can be time-consuming, but it can also be a lot of fun.
A simple google search can help you find the meaning of your dream in no time. You can explore symbol meanings or lucid dreaming online, in books and journals, or by consulting with a dream expert.
Step 6: Check for consistency with previous dreams.
After you’ve deciphered your dream, check for consistency with previous dreams. Dreams often repeat themselves, but we only sometimes become aware of their recurring themes. For example, if you’ve had dreams of being chased or attacked, you may be dealing with some unresolved trauma from your past. Dreams often help us process our emotions and traumas so that we can move on from them and not let them consume us.
Key Takeaways
Dreams are the gateway to your soul and can be very helpful in your waking life. For example, they may indicate that something is happening that needs to change in your waking life or that a person close to you has terrible intentions. Remember as many details as possible, think about your dream often and write down all the symbols or elements. In a short time, you can become your own dream interpreter!