

Restful sleep is as important as a healthy diet or sufficient exercise. There are a few things to consider – and many things that can help you sleep better. There are many things to consider when it comes to a night of good sleep. It is easier to enjoy live sic bo.


Sleeping is a basic human need. We need restful sleep to function – just like eating and drinking. This is because vital processes take place in our body while we sleep: nerve cells connect, proteins are built up, hormones are released, the immune system stabilizes, our cells regenerate, and our brain sorts, stores, and discards impressions and experiences from the day.

A fixed evening routine helps us to sleep better.

If you have trouble sleeping, you have deficits in this area – and this makes you ill in the long term. But why do some people sleep worse than others? And what can we do to sleep better?

First of all: It’s not necessarily about how long we sleep. The general statement that every adult should sleep at least eight hours and no more than nine cannot be made universally. How long we sleep is also genetically determined: Some people manage wonderfully with six hours of sleep, while others need nine or even ten hours to be well-rested – for example, Albert Einstein allegedly slept twelve hours per night, while Napoleon only about four.

What we can improve, however, is our “sensitive” sleep situation. And we can do this by adhering to what is known as sleep hygiene.

Sleep hygiene means maintaining certain habits that enable healthy, restorative sleep, or avoiding habits that disrupt it. Sleep medicine expert Fietze advises regular sleep times, bedtime rituals, and targeted relaxation before going to bed.


Maintain a sleep rhythm for better sleep. An evening routine includes a sleep rhythm: You should go to sleep at the same time every evening and wake up at the same time every morning. Even on weekends, you should deviate from these times by a maximum of 30 minutes.

This sounds exhausting, and I find it particularly difficult in the summer. But for healthy sleep, it is surprisingly effective. Our internal clock ensures that we naturally become tired in the evening and wake up refreshed in the morning.

But: Consider in your evening routine to go to bed when you are tired. If you push past the so-called “dead point”, you will become awake again and then have even more trouble falling asleep.

Sleep better thanks to an evening routine

First of all, it doesn’t necessarily matter how long we sleep. It cannot be said across the board that every adult should sleep for at least eight hours and a maximum of nine. How long we sleep is also genetically determined: some people get along wonderfully with six hours of sleep, while others need nine or even ten to be well-rested – Albert Einstein, for example, allegedly slept twelve hours a night, while Napoleon slept just four.

If the environment is right, the sleep is good. The bed is the most beautiful and comfortable place in my apartment. I like many pillows, uniform bedding made of natural fibers, and a beautiful bedspread. Above my bed hangs a dream catcher, and my bedside lamp gives off a cozy dim light.

What else helps: setting the room temperature between 17 and 20 degrees Celsius, ensuring darkness and quiet. And even though it’s sometimes annoying: Sensitive sleepers sleep better alone.


Regular exercise leads to better sleep. Even a walk lasting about an hour in the afternoon or early evening is sufficient. However, regular exercise is meant. Because strenuous training should be avoided shortly before bedtime. It activates the circulation, and then the body needs time to calm down and might have trouble sleeping.

Light meals are part of the evening routine. It’s difficult to sleep with a full stomach because the body is busy with digestion. Your evening routine should ensure that you eat nothing at least two hours before bedtime – or only light meals.

If necessary: Natural sleep aids.

The effectiveness of natural sleep aids like valerian is not well-documented. However, there are indications that valerian can indeed promote sleep. At least from my own experience, I can confirm this.

Unlike synthetic sleep aids, valerian ensures natural sleep and is therefore physically safe. But even with natural sleep aids, there is the risk of (psychological) dependence. So, do not overdo it.


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