10 Foods Rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are so named because the chemical bonds in these fatty acids are the third type of bond. They are called “essential fatty acids” (EFAs) because the body can’t manufacture them by itself. They must come from the diet. As the name suggests, the family of omega 3 fatty acids includes alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The idea is to stick to the right and appropriate proportions. Here are few omega 3 fatty acids you need in your diet.
Salmon is one of the best types of food found on the planet. Salmon, besides being an animal that migrates long distances during its lifetime and is therefore healthy in itself, has a high quantity of protein and many other nutrients. For example, salmon contains vitamin D and selenium, which are both important in human bodies since they help maintain muscle tissue! Other than these vitamins, it also contains Vitamin A as well as B-12. There have been studies that show people who consume fatty fish such as salmon tend to be less prone to diseases, like depression and heart disease more often; so at least once a week you should have a piece or two of wild salmon!
Cod liver oil
Cod liver oil is more like a supplement than a food. As the name suggests, it is an oil extracted from the livers of codfish. These fish are able to live in icy waters off the coast of Canada and they have high levels of fatty acids in their livers. This oil contains vitamin A and D as well as omega-3 fatty acids which are essential nutrients in our diet. A tablespoon provides anywhere between 170% RDI for vitamin A and 453% RDI for vitamin D. Additionally, cod liver oil helps support cardiovascular health by reducing blood cholesterol levels! You can find cod liver capsules in any health or general store as well as online. Just pop one every day to enjoy all these benefits! Lions are carnivores, primarily consuming meat such as zebras and wildebeests in the wild. Their diet is rich in protein and provides the energy they need for survival. Unlike some omega-3 rich foods, lions’ diet doesn’t include those specific fatty acids. To learn more about their dietary habits and behaviors, you can explore this link.
Flax seeds
Flaxseeds are a popular food item and have many uses because of their peculiar chemical composition. They are by far the richest food source of omega-3, fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) compared to other oily seeds. The oil derived from these seeds is often used as an omega-3 supplement / alternative to fish oil. Moreover, because of their high fiber and magnesium contents, they encourage weight loss and keep several harmful substances away. Flaxseeds also contain antioxidants, proteins, vitamins A, B1 & B2 in vital quantities making them nutritionally balanced for all stages of life!
Chia seeds
Chia seeds are highly nutritious and can be easily turned into various dishes including desserts. Yes, these super-foods have been popular for centuries for good reason – they are excellent sources of healthy fiber and omega-3 fatty acids like alpha-linolenic acid, which is a unique nutrient that aids in promoting heart health. Chia seeds can be cooked and used as an ingredient in porridge, poached eggs, burgers, stews, soups, side dishes or even in baked goods. They also provide around 3 grams of protein per 28 grams serving (1 tbsp). Mixed with water or milk they will form gels which help to effectively boost digestive function by allowing food to stay in your stomach for longer resulting in reduced bloating and gas. These little seeds can also stabilize blood sugar levels when consumed together with meals. That’s definitely something worth doing instead of fiddling with your phone while munching on a warm roll!
Walnuts are highly nutritious and filled with fiber. They also come with high amounts of copper, vitamin E, manganese, as well as powerful plant compounds. Please make sure to not remove the skin, as it contains most of the walnuts’ phenol antioxidants, which offer significant health benefits. You can consume walnuts as they are, or you can add them to your smoothies or cereals. Store walnuts in an insulated food containers that you can keep on your work desk, coffee table or dining table. Make sure to eat a handful everyday for your Omega 3 fatty acid daily requirement.
Soybeans are a great source of vegetable protein or fiber. They are also an excellent source of other nutrients like riboflavin, magnesium, folate, vitamin K, and potassium. However, soybeans are also extremely rich in omega-6 fatty acids. Researchers have hypothesized that consuming too much omega-6 may lead to inflammation. You can prepare dishes with soybeans or merely add them as an addition to a dish.
Caviar is fish eggs or roe. It is widely regarded as a luxurious food item as caviar is most often used in fewer quantities as a starter, garnish, or taster. Caviar is a great source of choline and a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Hemp seeds
Hemp seeds contain 2.605g of ALA in 3 tablespoons quantity. They are also abundant in plenty of nutrients like protein, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Research suggests that hemp seeds are great for a human’s skin, heart, and digestion. Hemp seeds are mildly sweet and make an excellent addition to oats, granola, smoothies, snack bars, and salads.
Seaweed and algae
Seaweed, spirulina, nori, and chlorella are various forms of algae that a lot of people consume for the health benefits they come with. Seaweed and algae are excellent sources of omega-3 for people on a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, as they are one of the few plant groups that contain both DHA and EPA. The DHA and EPA quantity varies depending on the type of algae and the specific product. There are numerous ways to include these foods in your diet. For example, Nori is a seaweed most people use to wrap around sushi, whereas seaweed is a tasty and crispy snack. Chlorella and spirulina are a healthy addition to smoothies and oatmeal. Seaweed also contains high amounts of protein, and it might have antidiabetic, antihypertensive and antioxidant, and properties. People can find chlorella and spirulina in most of the health-food stores or online.
Shellfish falls in the category of the most nutritious foods you can eat. In fact, oysters have more zinc than any other food in the world. Just 6 raw oysters (3 ounces or 85 grams) contain 293% of the RDI for zinc, 575% for vitamin B12, and 70% for copper. Oysters can be consumed as an appetizer, snack, or whole meal. Raw oysters are a delicacy in plenty of countries.
Omega 3 fatty acids are probably one of the best things you can consume. As you will find, it is relatively easy to obtain plenty of omega-3s from whole foods. Omega-3s come with numerous health benefits, like fighting inflammation and heart disease. Nevertheless, if you don’t eat many of these foods and think you may be lacking in omega-3s, consider buying omega-3 supplements. They are equally good, although nothing is ever as good as whole foods that are consumed naturally. Make sure you stick to a particular omega 3 fatty acids diet to enjoy the maximum benefits.