Facts that Makes Farmers to Purchase Silage Chopper

The traditional ways used by farmers are slowly going to be buried as the technology growth continues. Especially with most large scale farmers it has been to their attention to look for ways that will make work easier and have continuous production with less manpower source. Therefore, livestock and poultry farmers have shifted to the machine called silage chopper for chopping farm wastage into fodder. Let us discuss more about this chopper , how it works and the reasons why most modern farmers are considering it for their farming.
Silage chopper is a machine used to make work easier, save time and reduce cost of manpower to the farmers. Its work is to chop materials into smaller pieces to be stored later in the storage to undergo the fermentation process. Examples of the silage are hay, grass or corn.
It is given many names by different farmers like, cow grass cutter, and corn seller. It is one of the tools used by livestock and poultry farmers to help in process food to store.
Continuous use of this machine has led to different brands, sizes and quality, this has also led to determination of silage chopper prices in kenya. Livestock farmers go for the best price and for the best quality depending on the type of the machine one would like to have, however, most farmers are also on check for power a particular machine is using.
Silage chopper machine is used by small scale and large scale livestock farmers to convert harvest waste into nutritious food for the livestock. This machine has the ability to mill sorghum, barley, maize and thus reduces wastage in the farm to minimum. Farmers are using this machine to help them keep ready food for their livestock all seasons.
There are three types of silage machine, these are small, medium and large. Medium size and large size are mainly flywheel types for facilitation of throwing silage while small choppers take a cylinder type. This counts mostly for the feed chopper machine price in kenya. Their blades are as follows, 2blades 2rollers, 3 blades 2 rollers and 3blades 3 rollers.
The machines are powered by petrol or diesel, they can be either 3-phase motor or single phase electric motor. The combined one runs basically by both motor, engine and also by stand-by, meanwhile there is also a tractor driven one used by large livestock farmers.
The economy-sized machine with a combination of feed mill and fodder is used to chop both dry and wet fodder like maize stalks, hay, napier grass and many other farm products to compost.
Helps the farmer to have ready food for the livestock even in dry seasons, helps the father to reduce manpower by manual cutting, it is economical since the materials used are farm wastes after harvest.
In conclusion livestock and poultry farmers have largely benefited by the use of silage choppers, it has become one way of easing their tension of livestock fodder. Both small scale and large scale farmers have solutions to their problem with their choices considered.
Urban farmers are also benefiting out of this machine as they only buy hay and the process of composing it to ready stored food is done by the use of this machine
The machines are widely available on the market with different brands, sizes and prices.