
Study Abroad in Your 30s: What’re the Differences? 

Studying abroad after age 30 is increasingly common in the world. These trips, which were often dreams for young people, have become reality for adults as well. The best thing is that there are specific programs for those who want to study and live abroad for a while. In them, the person still has a structure all focused on their profile.

Do you want to know what are the curiosities of studying abroad in your 30s and how this can be the opportunity of your life? Keep reading and write down all the tips we share below!

Is it common to study abroad after 30 years old?

To travel, learn or meet new people and places, there is no age. The fact is, when it comes to study abroad, we almost always associate them with study trips (most often for young people aged 17 to 25).

This is because, generally, parents pay for the expenses as a form of investment in the future of their children. However, those who did not have this opportunity, get the chance, a little older, to try to fulfill the dream on their own.

A study by the Brazilian Educational & Language Travel Association (BELTA) showed that, from 2015 to 2017 the number of people seeking to study abroad after 30 years old grew by 30%. The trend is that this percentage will increase in the coming years.

What is the difference in studying abroad as an adult?

The programs usually have the same formats. You can choose to stay with local families or in dormitories at educational institutions, for example. Visas also give the same rights and benefits regardless of age.

In certain study destinations, such as Australia and New Zealand, you will be able to work legally during your period of study. The main difference lies in the type of course chosen.

In the case of language, for example, there are programs to improve English aimed exclusively at adults. In addition, undergraduate or graduate courses can be excellent options for those in their thirties to continue their studies overseas.

What are the main advantages of the program for this age group?

The exchange program is always an opportunity to expand your personal and professional horizons – whether you’re 17 or 30. However, in the second case, there are some extra advantages for the more mature exchange student.

After all, you already have financial security at that age, you are independent and have gained more life experience. All this counts a lot and can make all the difference in your trip. Want to check out some advantages in more detail? See below.

More freedom and autonomy

If you’ve always dreamed of studying abroad when you were younger, thinking you’d enjoy it more, we’re going to prove that, at 30, you have plenty of reason to enjoy it too (and with much more possibilities, if you don’t mind). Remember, the money is yours now and you won’t have to depend on your parents to decide what to do. It will be possible to go out, travel, rent a car and walk around with all the freedom in the world!

Decisive professional opportunities

Imagine being hired by an international company during the most productive stage of your life? At 30, you already have enough professional experience, training courses and greater market knowledge, among other things.

All of this adds up to positive points on your resume and can help you choose a job opportunity out there. Honestly, at this age you can’t pass up any chance like that, can you?

Life experience

You may have already traveled abroad, but nothing compares to an exchange when it comes to life experience. Having the chance to live, study and work abroad is the most valuable reward for those who choose such a program.

The advantage of doing this after 30 is that you are more mature and have an easier time relating or fending for yourself. In addition, it is possible to have contact with people of the same age group. Undoubtedly, it is something to be taken for a lifetime.

Greater financial planning

Studying abroad after 30 years gives you an excellent opportunity to reinforce your savings. Receiving a salary in more valued currency gives you the possibility to save extra money and return to your own country with a full wallet.

It has to be agreed that, when we reach a certain age, responsibilities and plans are quite different, do you agree? At 30, you will undoubtedly know how to better manage your finances and prioritize your spending in a much more conscious way.

What are the best destinations?

The options are endless. However, it is recommended to take into account some important points, such as:

  • adaptation to different climate;
  • the value of the local currency;
  • the culture;
  • the costumes;
  • the ease of obtaining visas;
  • opportunities for courses and jobs.

Oceania is one of the most favorable options today – especially when it comes to all these aspects mentioned. Want some more advantages to choose Australia or New Zealand on your exchange after 30 years old? See below:

  • the currency is much more favorable than the euro or US dollar;
  • the climate is similar;
  • the beaches and landscapes are extraordinary;
  • governments have employment incentive programs for foreigners;
  • both countries offer study visas with work permits;
  • there are dedicated agencies, with exclusive programs for both countries (Australian Centre, for example, has a physical unit in Australia to provide full support to the exchange student);
  • Browns English School in Brisbane offers an English course for adults only:
  • presence of numerous universities to attend undergraduate and graduate courses.

These were our tips for studying abroad after 30 years old. Even if you are still a few years away from reaching this age group, be sure that this age can be the best time to seize the opportunities that such a trip has to offer. Don’t believe that the time to learn and adventure is over: now is the time! You will never regret your decision.

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