Successful digital marketing – Be five steps ahead of everyone
Digital marketing is a must-have for any business. Most people will look for information about the solution to their challenges, then products that could solve them, brands, recommendations, ratings, experiences, etc., on the internet.
Let’s avoid the classic definitions and try to explain them in a slightly simpler way.
Digital strategy is your mold in which you prepare, shape, and bake your cookies or content. Very often the strategy is confused with the digital campaign, and these are not the same terms it is important to distinguish between them, to manage your strategy successfully.
A campaign is something that is created according to an existing strategy and in that case, campaigns would be just one type of cake that is made within your imaginary mold and its frames.
The strategy must have:
- The beginning – you are starting from scratch and therefore you must first look at what you have at your disposal
- Tools – what tools will you use in your strategy, with which tools will you create your content, i.e. which tools does that content require
- Who and what are you creating content for – who are you addressing, who should consume that content, and on which channels, i.e. where will you “place” that content
- Goals – what you want to achieve, should include both short-term, but also long-term goals, where you want to reach, look at it beyond the current moment, and how you want your brand to be positioned in a month, two, a year, or five years?
- Evaluations and revisions – the strategy imply constant analyses, interpretations, comparison of data, and re-examination. Of course, this does not mean that you will interpret every step you take all the time, but that is why it is important to set your strategy well and monitor the results, based on which you will know where and how you should react.
Don’t fall into the delusion that once you create a digital strategy, it’s a done deal. That’s where the work is just beginning because the strategy is a “living being” that you need to take care of, that grows, develops, and that you need to shape according to the needs of your business, but also by the modern trends of digital marketing, as well as the needs and habits and behavior of your customers and prospects you want to attract.
Whether you have yet to create a strategy or already have one, it is important to read the texts and take a fresh look at how you can improve your strategy.
Therefore, we bring you the TOP 5 proposals that will surely work, whatever the field of your business:
1. Video Marketing
Take your phone and open Instagram or Facebook, while scrolling, let’s exclude the content shared by your friends and stick to brands, what kind of content do you come across, and how much video material is there? Open the story and in how many stories is the video? If you want to post a story, how many video options do you have?
Then, if you want to get information about a brand, product, or service, would you rather watch a video or read a text about it?
Research related to the year 2020 shows that people spend an hour and 43 minutes per day watching videos on digital channels. The coronavirus pandemic certainly contributed to this, which increased online shopping and the general consumption of online content, so the trend of increasing viewing and use of video in digital marketing continues.
Video has become so important that even communication channels are adapting to it – Facebook has introduced the story option, the Instagram story has many new options, and sharing video content is becoming more common on the LinkedIn platform.
The most important thing is that you don’t need a lot of money or time because tools that will create hundreds of videos for you with your instructions, are being developed in parallel and that’s exactly what Plainly is. Just set a task and this video creation API will create thousands of videos for you, changing text elements, image elements, audio elements, video elements, and color, according to your needs.
2. Mobile marketing
For a long time, the telephone is much more than a means of communication. Not counting social networks, today big brands have applications that they use as another form of communication with their customers. If we just think about how often we have our phones in our hands and what content and information we are looking for through the phone, the matter is quite clear. The format of your content is very important, so don’t forget about it. Of course, it is easier to create content for desktops of laptops, and computers, but it is essential to adapt that content for mobile phones as well. You don’t have to follow this for every content, but you should keep it in mind.
3. Human marketing
Just mentioned mobile marketing is applied by brands that want to communicate more intimately with their clients, to be available with one click. More intimate communication, i.e. personalized communication, is something that is an indisputable part of marketing today. Socially responsible business and promotion are very important, if, of course, you bring them into connection with your business, then for example a behind the scene video that will show how your products are created, interviews with your employees, with directors in a relaxed form, which is not corporate. All of this contributes to strengthening your brand and raising awareness of your brand.
4. Renew your marketing
Keep track of what you’re doing! As we mentioned above, digital best video conferencing SDK should come down to five steps forward, then two back, then three forward, so that your strategies “dance”. When we say two steps back, we don’t mean something bad, but every strategy fluctuates and needs reassessment. Get data and feedback for everything you do. It is not only important how many people saw your content, but how many of them reacted and in what way, what their next steps were, what effect your content produced… All the data you collect can be extremely important for your new campaigns and in general shaping your strategy.
5. SEO optimization
Without a website, we cannot even begin the story of digital marketing. With its improvement, careful selection of content, uploading videos to the site, fast page loading, user-friendly pages, opportunities to contact you, fill out surveys, etc… You increase traffic on your site, and all of this contributes to site optimization. With the use of keywords on your site that concern your business, and which people most often type when searching for products that you have, you contribute to SEO optimization, i.e. the ranking of your site, that is, you come out first in the search, without your potential clients even knew about your site. When you get out first, they’ll find out, and that’s where your new story begins!