
Class 11 Chemistry: Things That You Must Remember

Students who choose the Science stream at the end of class 10, be it PCM or PCB, know what it is like to study Chemistry. Chemistry can be called a subject of experimental science, which includes the study of properties, structure, and compositions of different elements and compounds, and matter. 

Students, from the early stages of chemistry, find it difficult to comprehend. Of course, if 5th graders think that Chemistry is challenging to understand, they have seen nothing yet

 Definitely something not like 11th class Chemistry. This subject gets divided into various sub-topics including Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, and Physical Chemistry.

Chemistry is one of those subjects that you either love or curse at its existence. Chemistry is a challenging subject for most people, but it doesn’t have to be. Now, this subject may be seen as difficult, but it is one of the easiest and highly scoring subjects of Science Class 11, that is if it is studied properly. There is nothing complex about it, it just requires practice. So, given below is a collection of things that you must remember in class 11 Chemistry. 

  • It is not Necessary

Chemistry is not a compulsory subject to be chosen in the 11th class. It is not considered necessary unless the student is going to be making a career following a science stream. You can very well choose Commerce with/without Maths or Humanities, that is if you think that Chemistry is a subject that is too hard to handle for you. If you consider Chemistry to be your weak point, you can either choose a different stream or take upon the challenge to practice and make it your strength instead. 

  • Practice it Regularly

Chemistry is a subject filled with different theories and practicals. One needs different ways to practice and to remember a lot of formulas, reactions, equations. So, while studying chemistry and practising it, note down different definitions, formulae, reactions, and equations with their keywords for a better understanding and a quick revision. Practising your written notes regularly is essential for intel to be able to penetrate the mind and be “stored”. Otherwise, you will likely forget the information if it is not processed regularly. 

  1.  Study and Examine 

The questions of chemistry bear an introductory understanding of motifs for which one needs to study hard but also dashingly. This is also useful for competitive exams and more. After covering each content examine where one stands and clear doubts at that time itself. 

  1.  Comprehensive Study 

Try to make notes of each and every content that is being covered to understand it better. This will be salutary at the time of modification. Since the NCERT handbooks cover the utmost of the syllabus of chemistry. Students must ensure that they’re familiar with every content of NCERT from end to end. This is extremely helpful. 

  • Solve Questions at The End

In the NCERT book of Chemistry, at the end of each chapter, there are questions present involving the content of the whole chapter including multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions for students to practice. These provide a good outlook on how the questions are going to be organized in the CBSE examination. It gives you an idea of how the questions are going to be framed, also including the pattern it may follow, allowing the mind to follow the sequence and subconsciously understand how to solve the said questions. 

  • Review the Question Papers 

After giving your examination, review your incorrect answers and the complex questions which you had a hard time solving when you get your answer sheets back. Look through and practice the questions you could not do during the examinations. CBSE tends to follow through with the question of the previous’ exams, presenting them in the exams again but just changing the writing format and order of the question to confuse the young minds. Going through them again will allow the student to understand it better, in hopes of getting an A+ in future tests. 

  • Do the Assigned Reading Before Class 

Doing the assigned reading and questions given before class will help to clear any doubts regarding it and will enable you to ask the teacher to clarify anything you may have found unclear in the given content. The teacher can also explain the differences between the way that topic is written in the book and that your teacher may have materialized it in the class. The summary at the beginning of the chapter and the questions and problems at the end of the chapter will give you an idea and perspective on what the CBSE is trying to prepare you for. Generally, these areas tend to be ignored by the students. 

  • Get More Sleep 

Class 11 is considered to be a crucial year in our lives. The studying pattern and the concepts are completely different from what we have studied in our earlier classes. As the studies get more difficult, students start losing more sleep. This affects the working ability of their mind and reduces their ability to focus and concentrate, hence also affecting their studies which will lead to a decrease in their marks. Getting proper sleep and eating healthy food while following a healthy life will allow one to focus better, hence increasing their work efficiency. 

  • Test Yourself

Students should test themselves on a regular basis with different mock tests and evaluations, also including the questions of reference books, sample papers, and workbooks along with worksheets. 

Other than these important tips, the syllabus of 

NCERT Books for Class 11 Chemistry should be thoroughly practised and learned to understand what is coming out in the examination. 

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