Homeschool Gifted Math & Kinesthetic Learners

Best Math Curriculum for Twice Exceptional, Visual-Spatial Brains
Homeschooling math programs with manipulative materials and video lessons provide resources to meet the educational needs of gifted homeschoolers and nontraditional learners.
According to a recent article on the blog, most children enjoy learning math through games and manipulatives, homeschool math curricula that go beyond textbooks and worksheets are essential for many nontraditional gifted learners. Whether a gifted child is twice-exceptional, a visual-spatial learner, or exploring abstract concepts at a very young age, these homeschool math curricula will better serve a need for hands-on learning.
Right Start Mathematics – Grades K-4
The Right Start Mathematics program emphasizes problem solving and conceptual understanding, with practice provided through games rather than drills. This homeschool program has:
- A kinesthetic approach
- Visual-spatial learning
- Abacus-based
- Manipulatives
- Lessons
- Worksheets
- Math Card Games
- Puzzles
- Geoboards
Designed by a Montessori teacher, Right Start Mathematics appeals to hands-on learners. Right Start is an abacus-based approach utilizing many other fantastic math tools such as counters, games, puzzles, tangrams, and geoboards. Right Start’s materials suggest a holiday shopping spree in the math aisle of a teacher supply store.
Starter kits with manipulatives range from $92-$180 US, depending on whether a student is just starting or advancing a level. Because it has six levels and many amazing, though optional, assignments, it is the most expensive math program reviewed, and it does not include bonus English essay writing services as many people think. The curriculum has a stronger focus on geometry than many programs.
Hands-On Equations – Algebra Grades 2-5 and up
For visual-spatial gifted learners, Hands-On Equations offers a kinesthetic approach to algebraic concepts such as the addition property of equality, the additive identity property, and additive inverses. This homeschool math curriculum entails:
- A kinesthetic approach
- Visual-Spatial learning
- Manipulatives
- Manuals
- Worksheets
- Video lessons available
- Verbal problems workbook
Young gifted students gain a concrete introduction to algebra before progressing to abstract concepts. Though the program targets grades 3 through 8 in a traditional classroom, mathematically gifted children will find this method accessible at much earlier ages.
A basic Hands-On Equations system consisting of manuals, worksheets, answer keys, and game kit costs $35 US. The complete kit priced at $125 US also includes a Verbal Problems book and 26-lesson video for independent study or review.
Math-U-See – Addition through Precalculus
Math-U-See provides a complete kindergarten through twelfth-grade math curriculum. The Math-U-See homeschooling curriculum stresses conceptual understanding. This homeschool program includes:
- Comprehensive lessons
- A kinesthetic approach
- Visual-spatial learning
- Manipulatives
- Teacher manual
- Student Text
- Tests
- Video instruction for parent educator
Math-U-See is an approachable program for a young gifted learner. Homeschooling parents lacking confidence in their abilities to teach math consider Math-U-See’s video lessons an invaluable program strength.
Math-U-See often receives criticism for covering less material than other curricula; this concern is less relevant for a gifted child rapidly progressing through the curriculum sequence. The Algebra 1 materials cover less ground than in an 8th-grade classroom, but student-paced learning introduces a gifted homeschooler to this material years before his peers. According to the report of the professional essay writing service, gifted students may exhaust the material well before college and Math-U-See provides a strong research-based foundation for further learning.
The Math-U-See curriculum consists of 13 levels. Student kits including text and tests cost $15-$20 US. Teacher packs with manual and video are $25-$70 US. Manipulatives such as base 10 blocks and fraction overlays are $30-$35 each.
Math-U-See, Right Start Mathematics, and Hands-On Equations- Tools for Learning
Since gifted learners may progress through basic concepts rapidly, manipulatives provide a bridge to more abstract concepts so that higher-level mathematics is not developmentally inaccessible. For visual-spatial, kinesthetic, and twice-exceptional gifted students, hands-on activities are essential to academic achievement. Right Start Mathematics, Hands-On Equations, and Math-U-See are homeschool math curriculum providing the tools for gifted homeschool success.