Home Improvement

How to Hand Wash Dishes Fast?

Washing dishes by hand is something we all have to deal with. Even with a dishwasher at home, I still find that I need to clean the dishes by hand. Whether it is to quickly clear the dining after dinner or clearing out the table after breakfast, cleaning dishes don’t have to take ages. And if you are not planning on loading the dishwasher for a dishwashing cycle, your best bet is to do them by hand. 

Best Tips to Save Time Hand Washing Dishes

You know all the tricks to clean dishes by hand since you learned how to clear the table. And with a little change to how you get the job done originally, you will find that you could be saving a few more minutes when you do the dishes. You have to make sure that you have all the supplies you need to get started. 

Clear All the Dishes First 

Gather all the dirty dishes and clear out the dirt and grime from them into the bin before you get started with the cleaning. This will help save you time so you don’t have to go back to the bin each time you grab a new plate. 

Use Suitable Water Temperature 

The water temperature you use for washing matters a lot. And when it comes to doing the dishes, hot water helps with the sterilization process. If you find it challenging to make use of hot water to wash the dishes, you can choose to use warm water or wear rubber gloves to help prevent scalding from hot water. With the right water temperature, you can easily and quickly get the dishes done. 

Use Dishwashing Liquid/Soap (Never Detergent) 

As a matter of safety, you want to avoid using laundry detergent to wash the dishes at home. While it may be tempting to do so, you could be putting your household at risk if you leave behind any detergent residue on the dishes after the cleaning.

It is best to make use of dishwashing liquid or soap instead. They are good at cutting out dirt and grime, easy to rinse out, and don’t usually include many chemical ingredients. You can opt for those that include natural ingredients such as berries or lemon as they help provide proper sterilization in addition to thorough cleaning. 

Use the Right Dishwashing Tools 

Times are changing and not too long ago, sponges used to be a big deal with doing the dishes. But I find that many sustainable alternatives are rolling into the scene and not only are they a healthy option but they can also help with doing the dishes faster. Dish brushes for example are easier to clean after use and provide a deep scrubbing effect that makes them more suitable for plates, pots, and pans. You have to play around with the options available in the market to find a perfect fit for your kitchen. 

Wash First and Rinse After 

Do you originally leave the tap open when you hand wash the dishes at home? A lot of people do. And while it may seem like this is an expert way to hand wash dishes faster, you could be wasting a lot more water and not saving time in the process. Filling up the sink with water and adding the dirty dishes to be washed and then repeating the procedure when you want to rinse the dishes will save both time and water. 

Handwashing or Dishwashing – Your Choice

Loading the dishwasher could be the right option if you want to wash the dishes overnight after dinner. This means that you don’t have to be in a hurry to do the dishes. But many households, barely load their dishwashers all through the week. And many only use them a few times a month. This means more than 50% of the time, we do the dishes by hand. 

At the end of the day, it is up to you to decide if you are comfortable waiting hours to wash the dishes each time or if you rather learn how to hand wash dishes faster. There are surely no secrets to washing dishes by hand. But you will find that the tips above can help cut some minutes out of the time you spend cleaning dishes at home. 

How to Stay Safe When Washing the Dishes 

Doing the chores at home is one time when you can easily pick up slight injuries. And when it comes to hand-washing dishes, you can expect that there are risks involved. You can try and avoid most of the risks involved in doing the dishes by 

  • Clear out the dishes ensuring that there are no bone pieces or any of the like that can prick your fingers. 
  • Use the right water temperature to avoid scalding from hot water. 
  • Choose a suitable dishwasher soap that is good for your skin. If you have sensitive skin, you could find it leaves behind irritations when you hand wash dishes. Choosing an appropriate soap, or even making use of rubber gloves for added protection can be all you need. 
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after doing the dishes. 

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