Medicare – Understanding the 12 Medigap Insurance Plans
Medicare Plan G is recommended to those that need specialized medical care that Medicare does not cover. Medicare Part A and Part B both cover some standard “medicine” expenses. Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan G is the second most common Medigap Plan available to seniors.
Here is a description of Medicare Plan G, its benefits, and typical costs. Medicare is a compromise between what type of health care is needed by senior citizens and what the government can provide. Medicare Plan G is designed to fill in the coverage gaps left by Medicare Part A and Part B.
Medicare Plan G is standardized in the 12 covers called Medigap Secured Individual Entitlements. The four basic parts are co-insurance, open enrolment, inpatient and outpatient hospital costs. Let us discuss Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan G, the second most common Medigap Plan available to seniors. This article will describe what Medicare Plan G covers, typical costs, and answers some of your questions about enrollment.
Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans provide coverage for items such as prescriptions, hearing aids, eyewear, hospital stays, and other services. There are 12 different plans available. To enroll in Medicare, you must be 55 or older and have reached the age for Social Security with a disability. To find out more about Medicare supplement insurance plans and to compare plans across the various companies, visit the Medicare website.
12 major insurers are providing Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans in the United States. One of the most well-known insurers is Aetna. Other insurers include Humana, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Delta, Assurant, Celtic, and Cigna. Medicare coverage begins with Medicare Part A. Medicare Part B requires that you select a physician and participates in a Medicare Advantage plan. Medicare Part D requires that you select an additional optional provider.
Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans are not available directly through the government. Instead, each state has set up rules for Medicare Part A and Part B carriers to charge their clients for these plans. Medicare Part D pricing for these optional policies is determined by a fee-for-service model. Each carrier then adjusts its prices for the service plans based on their Part D risk score.
The 12 Medicare supplement insurance plans are Medigap Individual Policy (MEDIP), Medicare Part B Premium Strategy (PBSP), Medicare Part D Insurance (DSP), Medicare Part D Premium Strategy No deductible, Medicare Part C, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Risks Management Account (SMA). If you have Medicare, you need Medicare Part A or Medicare Part B.
Medicare Part D is for prescription drugs that are needed by certain groups of people, such as long-term osteoporosis patients. Medicare Part C is for durable medical equipment and Medicare Part D is optional, supplemental insurance. Medicare Part D also includes vision insurance and some health care cost insurance.